Welcome to Medua

"MEDUA", the new internal communication magazine made by and for all those who are part of the CUPA GROUP.
We want MEDUA to help us share everything that makes us the different driving forces of a common project.

From here you can acces to all editions for our newsletter, how to interacting with yours peers through of competitions and participate in group activities of CUPA GROUP..


click on the icon that there is on the menu, or ask in newslettermedua@cupagroup.com

The last numbers


Cupa Happy

Would you like to win a CUPA GROUP bike? You just have to guess in which country the building, covered by our slate in the following image, is located.


To participate, just:

  • Send your answer before 4 November to newslettermedua@cupagroup.com
  • The winner will be the first correct answer or nearest correct answer.

Take part and you could win a CUPA GROUP bike!

Go on and share your ideas

What about trying to do this another way? Many times, as emplyeed, we ask ourselves this question with the aim of improving our work perfomance and results. CUPA GROUP has faith in your talent and that's why we invite you to take part of CUPA IDEAS, a contest through which we evaluate your proposals and iniatiatives. We encourage you to do so, because all the ones that have been put into practice have won prizes.

What is it?

Proposing ideas to improve the perfomance of your working enviroment, whether to favour operations, organization, time reduction, products, etc.

What ca I win?

a weekend for two at a spa.

How can I participate?

By filling in the form available on the intranet: Documentation Centre/Human Resources and send it to:


If you don't have internet, you can ask for the form at your workplace and send it to the Marketing Departament.