French team had a Christmas get-together

Anyone who has been in France at this time of the year will have realised the special charm of the French Christmas: streets decorated with lights, bustling street markets, and pleasant dinners with friends and co-workers. And as traditions are there to be kept, on December 5th, the CUPA STONE team in Nantes organised a celebration for its employees filled with fun and emotional moments.

The dinner was chaired by our CEO, Javier Fernández, who congratulated everybody for their “day-to-day work, and for the care, professionalism and dedication provided to make CUPA STONE an international benchmark in the processing, extraction and marketing of natural stone”.

Also present at the event were the Manager of CUPA STONE France, Miguel Jiménez, and the CEO of CUPA STONE, Carlos Loureiro, who expressed his “pride for an enviable team of professionals” and took stock of the year, with a good forecast for 2016. “I’m sure that if we carry on with the current work, 2016 will be full of joys”.