We build with your ideas

Do you know what the Kaizen philosophy and CUPA IDEAS have in common?

Everything. For those of you who don’t know, the Japanese word kaizen means “change for better” and it is a methodology applied by different companies such as Toyota, Walt Disney or Siemens. Like CUPA IDEAS, this oriental philosophy is associated with the continuous improvement of production processes.

The implementation of small improvements, however simple they may seem, will allow us to remain market leaders. Each and every one of us is key in the development of CUPA GROUP.

CUPA IDEAS seeks those proposals that will make us better, whether reducing times, simplifying processes or developing products.


How can I participate?

Fill in the form available on the Intranet and send it to ideas@cupagroup.com

If you don’t have Internet, ask for it at your workplace and submit it to the Marketing Department.

There’ll be a meeting to discuss all the ideas and their implementation.

We’re looking forward to your participation!


These are all the people who have collaborated

Amador González Ruiz
Ángel Fernández
Ángel López Álvarez
Antonio Domínguez
Antonio Ferreiro
Arturo López
Bruno Fernández
Elena López
Elicio Gómez Núñez
Eloy García Vidal
Elvira López
Erwan Galard
Francisco Javier Oviedo
Hilde Honorata Suárez
Isaac Rodríguez González
Jaime Rodríguez
Jorge Fernández
Jorge Fernández Ribera
José Antonio Vilariño
José Luis Gonçalves
José Luis Marcos
José Ramón Rodríguez
Juan Manuel Rodríguez
Julián Gómez
Lauirio Arza
Miguel Ángel Cabo
Nelly Chenard
Óscar Caride
Óscar Gundriz
Pablo Figueroa
Philippe Ebah
Saturnino Alarcón
Sergio Castelo
Sergio Franco
Stéphanie Caymaris
Yolanda López