CUPA INNOVACIÓN: Our innovative spririt makes us leaders!

The CUPA INNOVACIÓN team strive every day to materialise our best ideas to market cutting-edge products

CUPA GROUP has always supported innovation as an essential and strategic activity that is part of the company’s day-to-day business. Therefore, in order to promote it and take advantage of synergies of knowledge between the Group’s different business areas, in 2006, we decided to create CUPA INNOVACIÓN. They are responsible not only for turning our best ideas into reality, but also for proposing new R&D projects to help us grow.

The CUPA INNOVACIÓN team is headed by Eduardo García, with whom we have spoken to find out how they work and what they are preparing. “We are a different company in the sector; what sets us apart is our ability to generate innovative products that allow us to open up new markets, as well as provide a technical support that other companies don’t have”, he says.

“The triumph of the CUPA INNOVACIÓN team is that its members believe in the project”

Eduardo García, Head of CUPA INNOVACIÓN

CUPA INNOVACIÓN has developed our most innovative products, today a benchmark in the market, such as THERMOSLATE® or CUPACLAD®, no doubt the result of hard team work. “For every new idea, we define a multidisciplinary team made up of various technical experts specialised in different fields – energy efficiency, patents, chemicals, etc.– led by a Project Manager who is in permanent contact with the business unit for which the project is developed,” explains Eduardo.

“Do it yourself”

CUPA INNOVACIÓN is currently working on the development of waste recovery formulas for our productions for different industrial applications and on innovative products in the DIY area.

Apart from maintaining fluid communications with the rest of the organisation, in the words of Eduardo, “The triumph of the CUPA innovation team is that its members believe in the project, are committed and united to achieve results, as well as having excellent academic training”.