On the podium as the best SME 2015 in France

Our natural stone experts are in luck! Last December, the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in France (BECC) honoured CUPA STONE with the award for best SME 2015.The awards, highly prestigious in the business world internationally annually recognise Spanish companies that have had a major presence in the Gallic country.

CUPA STONE, as explained by BECC’s Chairman, José Miguel García, was awarded for having “managed to strengthen the brand in the natural stone sector in France after 20 years since its implementation”.

In addition, the event highlighted its “fast and successful growth” underlining its commitment to innovation and sustainable development.


The event was attended by CUPA STONE France’s Director, Miguel Jiménez, CUPA STONE’s Marketing Director, Philippe Ebah and CUPA STONE’s CEO, Carlos Loureiro.

The CEO expressed his “pride for an enviable team of professionals” and took stock of the year, auguring a good forecast for 2016.

“I’m confident that if we continue with the current work, 2016 will be full of joy”.