We update our corporate image in France and Spain

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, and our colleagues at CUPA STONE know this. The company’s logo has just been refurbished, and the quarries now have great prominence! This new, more modern and dynamic image is an acknowledgement of our production points all over the world and the people who work at them.

So far, the corporate image of commercial vehicles has been updated, which now appear in the new logo. Signage of company façades and diVerent exhibition areas have also been refurbished in France, Spain and Portugal -11 in France, 6 in Spain and one in Portugal-. And, naturally, the new logo already appears on business cards and brochures.

It has been long and intense work with the whole company involved. As for the rest of CUPA GROUP, we would like to congratulate our colleagues and help them to disseminate this new image of which we feel very proud. Thanks to all involved!