Antonio Domínguez: «Team sports generate more camaraderie»

About a year ago, at Las Arcas quarry (Spain) the employees took the initiative to create a cycling team. For this first issue of MEDUA we spoke with Antonio Domínguez “Toño”, in charge of one of the quarry warehouses and one of the promoters of this cycling team in which more than twenty young people from the three Las Arcas warehouses take part.

Good morning, Toño. First of all we’d like you to tell us about your role in the CUPA GROUP.

I work at Las Arcas slate quarry in San Pedro de Trones (Spain), specifically in the elaboration process. We make the slate, cut and pack it, and, finally, ship it for sale.

So it sounds like you’ve got plenty of work… Even so, Las Arcas employees have made the most of their spare time to organize a company cycling team. How and when did this initiative come about?

Workers here are quite young and they meet up to go cycling. From time to time they attend gatherings organized in El Bierzo or in the area of Valdeorras. It was at those gatherings where the idea arose.

Relating it with the company, do you think that sport increases performance?

Of course it does. Think that they get in shape and the next day they work even more and better. I’ve also been able to see that the guys who go cycling are probably the best workers I’ve got in those jobs that require more intensity.

From time to time they attend gatherings organized in El Bierzo or in the area of Valdeorras. It was at those gatherings where the idea arose.

“Now we’re 20, but maybe next year we’ll be 40 or 50… Maybe even older workers will join in!”

And if we apply this to team sports, can an improvement be seen in the working environment?

Of course, because more and more camaraderie develops among them. In addition, this is conveyed to other colleagues. Now we are 20, but maybe next year we’ll be 40 or 50…  Maybe even older workers will join in!

You say that at the weekend they come to an agreement, get on their bikes and go cycling in the El Bierzo or Valdeorras area and that during the week they improvise a little depending on where they live.  Would you encourage other employees to take part in the  experience?

Of course. I get involved in this type of initiatives because, for me, the workers are key in the company. Naturally we depend on the management and it’s very important, but the company’s life and soul are its employees.

If this initiative becomes consolidated in time, would you participate in any competition?

There are very young folk who love cycling and are very enthusiastic, so I wouldn’t rule anything out. We have also supported other school football teams that have played in the Castilla y León provincial championship, for example, or the national or juveniles final. So, it worked out pretty well and they got quite far. Therefore, yes, we wouldn’t rule out any possibility.