CUPA GROUP Foundation is set up

We are a company committed to promoting the social and economic development of the rural areas where our quarries are located. That’s why, in 2015, we have created the CUPA GROUP Foundation in order to organize all the projects that we had already implemented and promote new programmes that contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic environment.

We will focus our efforts on stimulating entrepreneurship, granting economic aid for the training of unemployed young people or promoting innovation and technological development.

With the Foundation, which has centres in Galicia and Castilla & León, we will focus our efforts on stimulating entrepreneurship, granting economic aid for the training of unemployed young people or promoting innovation and technological development.

The Foundation’s scope of action will be the whole national territory, with the aim of extending activity to all those countries where we are present.

In future issues we will tell you about the specific actions planned.


Eliseo López
Director of CUPA GROUP Foundation