Team innovation: everyone’s goal

Corporate culture is everything we do when no one sees us. That is why, from day one, innovation has been one of the cornerstones of the CUPA GROUP culture. This second issue of MEDUA focuses on this concept, innovation.

Throughout our history, many people, thanks to their work and effort, have turned their dreams and innovative ideas into realities that have allowed us to grow. The first were the five founding partners of CUPA GROUP who decided to share the production of their quarries in order to be able to distribute their products anywhere in the world. They showed us how to reinvent ourselves, innovate and, in short, strive to seek solutions to always be one step ahead of the rest.

One of our challenges for 2016 is to make it possible for all new ideas of any CUPA GROUP member anywhere in the world to be taken into account, weighed up and, where possible, applied

In 2006 we created CUPA INNOVACIÓN as the unit responsible for boosting innovation in the company. However, the responsibility cannot be solely theirs, as if it were the exclusive task of only a group of people; it’s everyone’s business. Not only do the more experienced innovate, but also those who are capable of applying new thinking to old processes. Because, one of our challenges for 2016 is to make it possible for all new ideas of any CUPA GROUP member anywhere in the world to be taken into account, weighed up and, where possible, applied.

Each and every member is essential to ensure CUPA GROUP’s leadership, of which we are proud. We know that there is no innovation without risk, that it’s hard to make changes and new ideas aren’t always understood at first, but we also know that failing to innovate is also a great risk.



Javier Fernández