A team of committed professionals, key to CUPA GROUP’s success

The CUPA GROUP staff comprise a professional team of which the company can be proud. A team of employees who every day come to work ready to give the best of themselves and contribute to our company’s savoir faire.

In this, the fourth, issue of MEDUA, we’d like to introduce some of these people who have made our international recognition and success today possible. Di>erent professionals in di>erent jobs which, we are sure, will help you to know get a much better insight of CUPA GROUP’s driving force.

«It is essential to leave problems behind you at work and live the day in good»

Javier López Ferreira, known by his workmates as “Neno”, works at the CUPA STONE distribution centre in Vigo, Galicia, and joined our company at the age of 20. After thirty years, he still recalls the early days. “The machinery was not as advanced as it is today, and very manual work was done”, says Neno. Today, he spends his time halfway between the booths where “we flame and hone the panels”, and the unloading area where “we download gang saw machines and feed the polishing machines”.

For Neno, the most important attitudes in his job are precaution and responsibility. For him the key to perfect work is “leaving problems behind you at work and living the day in good spirits, always concentrating on your work so everything will function smoothly”.

«We always have to improve at work»

Clalton Vasconcelos Freitas is production manager at Barcamp, in the Brazilian city of Papagaio, and has been working with us for more than 10 years. His main duties range from general production control to quality controls, and has a direct relationship with raw material suppliers and employees.

For Clalton it is necessary to “be very responsible and highly committed”, be creative and have a good relationship with employees, directors and suppliers. He describes his working day as “fast” and hardly without any time for all the tasks he performs, but he faces it “eagerly, energetically and with a positive attitude”. Clalton feels that “we always have to improve at work”, and so, although the expected result is not always achieved, new formulas are implemented.

«My main skills are my organizational capacity and knowledge of the computer system and the product»

Aurelien Terrien, head of the CUPA STONE France logistics platform, has been with us for 13 years. He started “little by little” and working “very slowly”, and, over the years, he began advising customers. His job entails performing multiple tasks such as managing truck arrivals and departures, preparing orders, checking quality or analysing stock, work which, according to him, “requires keeping calm and having a lot of knowledge of the company’s computer system”.

His organizational capacity and extensive knowledge of the products and the computer system is, according to him, his main contribution to the company. Aurelien emphasizes the good work atmosphere with colleagues, from whom you can learn a lot. Precisely, CUPA STONE France allows him to work with people with diVerent characters and be in contact with a product “as noble as natural stone”.

A family in the heart of CUPA PIZARRAS


Marisol Muñoz has been working for nine years at CUPA PIZARRAS, as slate sorter and packer, but she isn’t the only person in her family working at the company: her daughter Mari Carmen, also a sorter, and her son David, a splitter, also work there. Given this peculiarity, we were wondering if it was something hereditary. Marisol tells us that her father was a slate worker. “It could be that it had something to do”, she replied with a smile. Impressed by her vitality, she says her main quality at work is how active she is and the amount of energy she has, making it clear that she is at the company to give her all. What Marisol values most about CUPA PIZARRAS is the stability it gives her and the opportunity to be able to go to work every day.

Mari Carmen has been working at the company the same time as her mother. At the age of 18, she knew this was the job for her. Mari Carmen says she “knew it was a hard work, but had to give it a go”, and that now she “likes, is fond of and enjoys” her work. She also points out the importance of working with slate, at “such a strong company like CUPA PIZARRAS”. She highlights the key role of her manager who, with words of encouragement and congratulations, motivates them to do it even better. As a matter of interest, at the beginning, she worked as packer of the parts selected by her mother. “At first we had a little trouble adapting to work together, as she always calls me “dear”, and the work was rather uncomfortable”, says Mari Carmen with a smile, pointing out that they soon found the motherdaughter and workmate balance.

David, the youngest of the family, started to work at CUPA PIZARRAS four years ago, and has occupied a variety of posts: die cutting, packing, sawing and finally shaping. He believes that for this job you require a lot of patience and attention to produce a quality product. For him to be with his family has been a plus, especially at the beginning. “They would give me advice, telling me how to do a task, how to go about another…”, David tells us.