Burton Roofing Merchants


Welcome to the BURTON ROOFING MERCHANTS LTD depot in Hull, the birthplace of our roofing distribution business in the UK.  This depot was first established in 1982 by present Managing Director Mr Peter Burton. Since 2008, BURTON ROOFING MERCHANTS is part of CUPA GROUP, and today is the largest independently owned Roofing Merchants within the UK

In this second issue of MEDUA, the staff of BURTON ROOFING in Hull open up the doors so we can see how our colleagues work. Lorraine, Garry and Tom explain a typical working day at the depot, which, as we can see, is anything but routine, and not at all predictable

“What I like most is the variety of tasks that I perform throughout my day, there’s no two days the same!”

Lorraine Dent – Office worker. 28 years working at Burton Roofing Merchants Ltd, Hull.

“I enjoy meeting customers and establishing a relationship with them. As time passes, you know their wishes and needs. Customers appreciate the care we put into the details”

Tom Ellis – Warehouse keeper. 8 years working at Burton Roofing Merchants Ltd, Hull.

“My satisfaction comes from seeing the original order; getting prices and samples; reaching an agreement and taking the material to its final destination. It can sometimes be a slow process, with a great deal of negotiation, but when customers come back, it means we’ve done a good job”

Garry Hebblethwaite – Transport Planning Manager. 26 years working at Burton Roofing Merchants Ltd, Hull.


07.20 – Depot opening: The staff arrive for the day, switch on the lights, computers & open the warehouse.

07.25 – Trucks leave: Trucks loaded with our customers’ orders, leave the premises to clear the way for goods inwards.

07.30 – Opening time: We open the gates & welcome in the customers! The sales team handle incoming calls, check emails and prepare quotes and orders accordingly. Mike, our Sales Representative, heads out to site to complete site measures and meet prospective customers.

08.00 – Orders: Lorraine monitors our stock profile and orders replacement items, and contacts suppliers to reach agreements that will benefit us.

09.00 – Sales: We handle in excess of 85 sales transactions a day, so our sales team are constantly busy.

10.00 – Logistics: Garry coordinates our logistics and finalises the rounds for the following day. He liaises with stock control to clarify all goods inwards are sorted.

11.00 – Marketing: The marketing team look at the latest news, new product launches, demonstrations and promotions. Any special mentions are relayed onto our Website, Facebook & Twitter to spread the word.

12.00 – Shift scheduling: We rota lunch breaks over mid-day as the yard & phones remain busy.

13.00 – Planning: Branch Manager Barry touches base with all of his team, making sure everything is to schedule.

14.00 – Stock: We have a stocking profile of over 31,000 product lines, so it’s critical we monitor this is being run efficiently. We constantly monitor stocking levels and use the system to highlight any discontinued items.

15.00 – Trucks return: Trucks return and the yard staff load up tomorrow’s orders. Tom and his colleagues discuss how best to load the vehicles safely.

16.00 – Tune up: Garry checks all the drivers have point checked their vehicles. The trade counter area is tidied up and paperwork completed.

16.30 – Overview: We review how the day has gone & discuss the pending orders in relation to what is being sold to our sales target.

17.00 – Closing time: The end of another busy day – Time for home! See you tomorrow!