Although none of our founders knew English or French, had never flown and had never left Spain, they did not hesitate to expand in order to take their products to other countries. Today that adventurer’s dream is a reality and CUPA GROUP is an internationalised company, present in nine countries and exported to five continents.

The thing is that internationalisation is in our DNA. We were born to sell worldwide; we grew by integrating people from other countries into our company, and our future will be undoubtedly tied to exploring new markets.

Furthermore, this internationalisation process has made us stronger. First, because each market’s demands and characteristics have accelerated the changes and have put us into a process of continuous improvement. Second, because of the diversity of the people who make up the company, new ways of doing things have been taken on, thus enriching us. All these years, the challenge has been to grow without losing our identity.

Only a common business culture has made it possible for people from different countries and backgrounds to have pursued and keep on pursuing the same objectives. In order to develop these values which make us stand out inside and outside the company, we introduce our ethical code today.



Preserving these values and the spirit of our founding partners without any doubt will be key to continuing to take steps in our international expansion and becoming even better and stronger.


Javier Fernández