Pura Bravo, example of our company’s essence

The history and the daily life of our businesses are written by the people making them up. That’s why we have spoken with one of the fundamental parts of the CUPA PIZARRAS apparatus: Purificación Bravo, or, as we all know her, Pura.

Pura’s experience and her restless nature have made her a key figure in the team. And she has always grown on our side. Pura went from a small o[ce in Sobradelo to the Medua o[ces we know today, and was part of a team of seven workers, where there are now more than 50!

Today, she is responsible for controlling the entries of the slate which is distributed all over Spain. “I started in Reception, where I was in charge of recording the slate entries, I controlled sales in Spain, issued invoices…”. And all this without a computer, by hand! “I remember we had to write down on paper all the sizes of slate produced and sold. Imagine how complicated the end of month closings were!”. After 41 years as part of our company, speaking with Pura means speaking with one of the people who have written the history of CUPA PIZARRAS. It is getting to know the soul of our Group.